Schools and education have been around since the beginning of civilization. They have been an important factor in many aspects of life. This is because schools and the education system are the ones responsible for teaching the youngsters around the

Schools and education have been around since the beginning of civilization. They have been an important factor in many aspects of life. This is because schools and the education system are the ones responsible for teaching the youngsters around the
Since the development of processing power, online learning tools have gained wider popularity. Combined with the increased internet bandwidth and user reach, online learning has become an alternative to actual schooling in many nations. The learning is carried out in
Online classroom technology has been around for a while before being as famous as it is now. The technology found its ways to the higher education systems of world-class universities as late as 2012. The total number of students learning
The education system has seen a gradual change throughout the course of history and generally has handled it well. The global pandemic is the first and the only case where the whole education system experienced a quick and drastic change.
The online learning phenomenon which has grown into full bloom at the present moment did not exist a decade ago. This was because, at that time, there wasn’t the network bandwidth available to the public schools for making online streaming